Fellows of the Mandel Program for Medical Leadership for the Negev

Mandel Program for Medical Leadership for the Negev

The Mandel Program for Medical Leadership for the Negev ​aims to cultivate values-based medical leadership that will enhance the quality of healthcare and promote the future generation of healthcare personnel in the Negev

​​The program is founded on the belief that meaningful change in the medical field requires high-quality leadership whose work will be based on a comprehensive regional vision and social commitment to all residents of the Negev. The fellows, senior physicians and healthcare professionals from across the Negev, will lead the field of medicine in the region, combining their vision and action, as they serve as role models for interns and residents and promote new initiatives for the benefit of all of the Negev’s communities.

Program Goals

  • To develop effective leadership models of senior medical professionals based on the humanities and values, with a unique emphasis on integrating leadership with place, culture, and community.

  • To foster a community of medical leaders in Israel's southern region that will serve as a “home” and source of inspiration for its members.

  • To create a broad foundation of knowledge in the humanities (including philosophy, history, and literature) that will inform medical practice and strengthen the aspect of human connection within the field of medicine.

  • To promote initiatives that fellows design to improve healthcare in their areas of activity, for the benefit of the diverse communities of the Negev.

Study Units

  • Identity and values – In-depth exploration of concepts and philosophical analysis of values such as human liberty, axiology (theory of values), truth and skepticism; exploration of identity and clarification of worldviews.

  • Society and place – Examination of the characteristics and major challenges facing the place and space where the fellows work; in-depth analysis of issues from an economic, social, historical, and cultural perspective, while considering the characteristics and challenges of the Negev region and Israel as a whole.

  • Health policy – The history of medicine and an overview of its formative events; policy-making and the significance of medical policy; the place of the individual physician and of the organization in policy-making; comparison of official policy and policy in practice.

  • Leadership and change – Competing theories of change and leading change; management approaches and approaches to the study of leadership; adaptive leadership versus technical leadership; first-degree and second-degree change; and experimentation within the leadership development field.

The program combines group study sessions, personal mentoring, study tours, and intensive seminars. It also includes a practical component consisting of individual or group projects, which will equip fellows with experience in developing an idea and implementing it in a real-world setting. This experience in bridging the gap between theory and practice will serve as the basis for both action and reflective observation.

Program Director: Israel Sorek



Spotlight on Fellows

Dr. Ori Wand

Mandel Program for Medical Leadership for the Negev >>

Dr. Ahmad Abu-Assa

Mandel Program for Medical Leadership for the Negev >>