Graduates of the Mandel Center for Leadership in the Negev

Continued Support

Graduate communities and continuation programs are an integral part of the Mandel Center for Leadership in the Negev’s role in nurturing enterprising and vision-driven leadership among the Center’s graduates, by providing support for their activities throughout the Negev.

The Mandel Center for Leadership in the Negev's graduate activities are facilitated by faculty members Dr. Smadar Ben-Asher and Kassim Alsraiha. It should be noted that the continuation programs for 2017–2018 are being offered on a limited scale.

Activities in 2017–2018

Action Group: “Pluralism and Education”
The aim of this group is to examine and explore new perspectives on the education system in terms of the response it provides to diverse populations regarding issues of culture and language, in particular to Arab children in Jewish schools. This initiative is an outgrowth of a Mandel group of senior officials of the Beer Sheva municipality, who are leading initiatives to bring about change in the city and its environs.

Winter Seminar on Eilat–Aqaba: Opportunities in a Cross-Border Area
This year’s Winter Seminar, which convened in December 2017, addressed a range of complex issues and dilemmas, and examined how they find expression in each graduate’s leadership and professional practice. The seminar focused on regional, cross-border collaborations that provide opportunities to develop and promote unique solutions to issues of concern within that space. The seminar was held with the involvement of Professor Avi Kaplan and was based on the functional identity model. The fellows of the Mandel Program for Local Leadership in Eilat-Eilot, who are currently in their first year of study, attended this graduate event, in order to create a group that studies and works together.

The Mandel Negev Platform
The Mandel Negev Platform Series (Bimat Mandel) is designed to enrich dialogue within the Mandel community in the Negev and among the broader public by means of encounters with first-class researchers, thinkers, policy makers, and practitioners. A Mandel Negev Platform event is being planned on the subject of local arts and culture, in collaboration with Mandel graduates who are leading change in that field.

Individual Mentoring
Faculty members of the Mandel Center for Leadership in the Negev provide consultations in which graduates can discuss their challenges and leadership activity in the Negev. Graduates who are interested in individual mentoring, and in receiving help with developing social and personal initiatives and projects, are invited to contact the Center.



Spotlight on Fellows

Yochai Kayat

Mandel Program for Regional Leadership in Dimona and Arad >>

Liana Mimran Osadon 

Mandel Program for Cultural Leadership in the Negev: Cohort 6 >>

Dr. Ori Wand

Mandel Program for Medical Leadership for the Negev >>

Khaled Azbarga

Mandel Program for Senior Executive Leadership in the Negev >>