Mandel Program for Local Leadership in Arad:
The two-year program aimed to train a team of vision-driven leaders committed to acting for the benefit of the city of Arad and its residents, both in the context of their formal positions and in other capacities.
The program sought to equip the participants with a renewed perspective of their roles and their professional environment, and to provide the conditions for them to develop their individual and group vision by means of ideational, theoretical and practical enrichment. The program helped the participants develop practical plans based on their vision, with the professional support of the center faculty.
The program included both theoretical and practical studies, and the group worked in action teams on formulating a vision. At the end of the program, participants joined the graduate support frameworks provided by the Mandel Center for Leadership in the Negev.
Arad Municipality; Partnership 2000 Arad/Tamar - New Jersey
The program content included, among other subjects: multiculturalism; communities and civil society; the periphery; justice and power; leadership; policy and governance; educational theory; and educational ideology.