Application Information: The Mandel Program for Local Leadership in Eilat–Eilot

Admissions Requirements

  • Commitment to advancing Eilat, Eilot, and the Negev region
  • Desire to be a social change agent
  • Openness to learning and to personal development
  • Good interpersonal skills and ability to engage in dialogue
  • Potential for leading change (preference will be given to candidates with proven leadership experience in social and educational fields)

Application Process

Applications are submitted online, using the application forms on this site. The recruitment and admissions processes are run by Dr. Nitza Roskin and Dr. Noa Milman, faculty members of the Mandel Center for Leadership in the Negev.

Admissions Process

The admissions process has three stages:
  1. Submission of application forms and all required documents
  2. Admissions workshop for select candidates
  3. Consultations with referents and interviews of select candidates
Decisions on admissions will be made exclusively by the Mandel Center staff, based on the candidates’ suitability to the program.


  • Opening date for applications: April 18, 2017
  • Deadline for applications: May 19, 2017
  • Admissions workshop: June 5–6, 2017
  • End of admissions process: July 11, 2017
  • Program opening: September 2017

Frequently Asked Questions

What content is studied in the program?
The program is tailored to the specific challenges and issues facing Eilat and the region in which the candidates live and work. For this reason, the exact curriculum has not yet been formulated. However, the following main areas of study will be covered over the two years:
  • The worthy society and the worthy individual – clarification of values and concepts
  • Society, structure, and place
  • Leadership: theory and practice
  • Policy and developing practical action
  • Identity and values in the professional world
  • Research processes and experience in developing groups and implementing activities in the field
Does the program award a degree?
The program awards a “Graduate of the Mandel Program for Local Leadership” certificate. Given the Mandel Foundation’s reputation in educational and social leadership training, and the extensive scope of the program (a total of approximately 450 hours of study), this is a prestigious certificate that has significant weight when graduates apply for management positions in education, welfare, civil society, public administration, and more. It is not an academic degree.

Are studies recognized for in-service training compensation?
In similar programs held in the Ministry of Education’s Haifa region and Negev region, studies were recognized for purposes of in-service training compensation (up to a total of 60 hours per year). Recognition is, of course, subject to Ministry of Education procedures and regulations.

Why is the program held on regular work days rather than on weekends or evenings?
In our experience, in order for the learning process to be effective and meaningful, the participants need to step away from their day-to-day affairs and engage in a full day of studies with a clear mind. Mandel leadership programs are serious, rich, and demanding programs of study that cannot be delivered in short sessions. In addition, we believe that professionals who give their all to working on behalf of society and the public deserve time for their own thinking and development, which in turn helps them become better able to help others. We make every effort to enable those accepted to the program to attend without it affecting their salaries (for local authority employees, this is part of our agreement with the authority). It is now a widely-accepted practice for professionals to invest one day a week in study, which not only benefits them as individuals, but also benefits society as a whole.

Does the program involve tuition fees or other expenses?
Participants are not required to pay for participation in the program. The only investment required is their time and effort.

Where are studies held?
Studies will be held at Ben-Gurion University’s Eilat Campus. There will also be occasional study trips to other locations.

Are there examinations or grades?
No. The program does not have any exams or grades. Participants do receive assignments that may involve reading, writing, and action, but they are not graded. We expect all participants accepted to the program to be committed to it and to fulfill its requirements.

What happens if I have to miss a day of study?
It is mandatory to attend study days in full, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm (we are always careful to begin and end on time). Absence from up to 20% of sessions, including partial absences, will be permitted, as long as prior notice is given to the program directors. Anyone failing to meet this requirement will not receive a graduation certificate.

Is the program open to participants of both sexes and all ages?
The program is open to men and women, and there are no age restrictions; anyone who meets the admissions criteria may apply. We make an effort to form diverse cohorts with people from different communities and different areas of practice (local authority, formal and informal education systems, civil society organizations, and so on).

Deadline for applications: May 19, 2017 

For Additional Information
Hani Botrashvili-Hotoveli: Tel . 08-620-1444
Eli Ofir: Tel. 08-620-1454